
Which Search Engine had the best 4th of July display?

July 4th, 2008

It is always nice to see the top engines competing even for the best holiday logos.  Who do you think had the best?




[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.lobolinks.com//blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/mh2.swf” height=”60″ width=”320″ loop=”true” /]



I found it strange the Live chose not to compete and that Ask went with a background like design instead of changing the logo. I failed to show the msn.com screen as it just didn’t seem worthy. I really like the flash that Yahoo decided to go with and Google always has a very creative logo idea.

Filed in Discussions

Thumbnails for Search Engines Results with Firefox

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Filed in Roundup

PageRank Methodology

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Filed in Google, Internal SEO, Link Building