
Archive for the 'Blogging' Category

Force OIOPublisher Banners to Open in New Windows

Sunday, August 31st, 2008

I found this very odd that it did not come as a standard option for the OIOPublisher plugin for WordPress.  I personally hate when a click leads me to another page in the same window or tab. In olden days before the invention of tabs, I could see where it was annoying to have to […]

Top Entrecard Droppers: Post vs Widgets

Saturday, July 26th, 2008

As of lately there has a fairly new trend with Entrecard users.  The trend is to advertise / praise their top droppers.  This is an excellent opportunity to build links across a wide variety of niches and overtime it could mean a world of difference.  It is not necessarily a link that matters or will […]

Top Entrecard Droppers Widget for WordPress

Saturday, July 19th, 2008

I am embarrassed to say I Google’d this for almost 20 minutes before I realized how stupid I was to make this more complicated that it actually was.  In retrospect, this widget is nothing more than an RSS feed provided by Entrecard.  I spruced mine up some with nofollow and an image to give it […]

A New Job Teaches Me Something About Blogging and Keeping Your Readers Attention

Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

I am sorry I can not really tell you more about my new job with this agency or mention more specifics about what we were discussing due to privacy and confidentiality agreements. As some might know, I started a new job the 14th of this month and the first seven days of it is employee […]

A Link That Matters

Saturday, July 12th, 2008

When writing a product or site review, it is a good idea to give that post a link that matters.  Take a second of your time to research that site for targeted keywords and help out your fellow partner to gain some overall success in the search engine result pages (SERPS).

BlogRolled, A New Revenue Outlet for Blogs?

Thursday, July 10th, 2008

BlogRolled is a new service to help bloggers generate cash and help advertisers gain reach and links for their website.  It seems like I heard about this through twitter, but I forget he blurbed it.  Will this be another failed linking service or did someone actually create something that will be hard for Google to […]

How To Add Nofollow to the WordPress Comments Link

Saturday, July 5th, 2008

I actually had a damn hard time finding this posted anywhere on the web, so I thought I would share.? I don’t think I need to tell anyone why this is a good idea, but it is basically eliminating search engines from indexing useless links. We will use the following as an example. Useless Links […]

Gain RSS Subscribers Using Comments On Other Blogs?

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

Have you ever been reading comments then clicked the author’s name link to find out more about the owner?  What if this link pointed to a post related to the one you were just reading?  Could you see yourself reading it and then continuing to browse around for more related content?  Can you see yourself […]

Supplement Your Blog Traffic With Entrecard

Friday, June 13th, 2008

It is time I start sharing how to the make the most of these social networks and yes Entrecard is a social network. This will be discussed in a later post. As we all know content really is the king, why you might ask?  In my theory, content is king because it provides lasting traffic […]

Forcing the WordPress index.php to the Main Url and Avoiding Duplicate Content with a .htaccess

Wednesday, November 28th, 2007

Duplicate Content on a large scale basis can ruin your blog.  I blame it on the search engines for not being smart enough to know exactly what you want, but in any case you can easily avoid this problem with your WordPress .htaccess.  In reality what you are doing is forcing a www. or non-www. […]