
Earn Entrecard Seller Status With A Little Creativity

December 28th, 2007

entrecard Entrecard is offering seller status to six lucky webmasters.  Seller status would allow Entrecard users to exchange their credits for purchases that usually cost real money.  In reality you could sell anything with a little creative thinking.  It would be a great opportunity to gain social exposure and increase your branding strength through Entrecard.  To earn one of the entrecard seller status spots you must follow a set of entry rules and it requires a little work on your part. I came up with my own creative idea for my entry and I hope it is a great example for everyone else.


The Work On Your Part

It requires a few easy steps to enter the contest.

Here?s how to enter:

Step 1: Write a blog post about our new store, where you?ll be able to buy all all sorts of bells and whistles over the coming months, from Entrecard as well as from Entrecard members. Unlock upgraded statistics, purchase new widget designs, T-Shirts, SWAG, all with credits. The sky is the limit!

Step 2: Include in your post what you will sell through Entrecard, if chosen to receive the coveted ?Seller Status?. Include how many credits you will charge for it, and how many are available. For example, you might want to sell 10 Tshirts at 1000 credits a piece, or maybe you will sell 20 Entrecard Re-Designs for 250 credits a piece. Maybe you will sell just one IPhone for 50,000 credits! (we don?t actually expect anyone to sell an Iphone, or anyone to have enough credits to afford one either!)

Step 3: Reply to this post with a link to your post

Submission Coupons

I decided to make real use of a coupon mod I installed to use for promotional purposes for Lobo Links.  Using this coupon mod, I could offer submissions coupons that allowed people to submit their sites for free.  I would set up coupons for regular submissions which are lifetime listings and charge 300 ec points with 1000 slots available. Check it out.

The Process

It would simply be a normal regular submission and at the bottom you would enter your purchased coupon code.


This is it!  The next screen you would see is a confirmation of your submission.  The coupon eliminates 100% of the cost for a regular submission and completely skips the payment process.


Now for the What If’s?

I don’t allow just any web site to be listed here and the directory follows a set of submission guidelines that every site must meet.  So what if someone bought a listing through Entrecard and I denied their submission?  Will the Entrecard store have a refund feature or will I be stuck sending credits back through my dashboard?  I am extremely interested to see how the new store turns out and I wish everyone the best of luck with their creative ideas.

Posted in How To, Social Media