
Auto-Update Your Copyright for PhpLD

June 2nd, 2008

This is no complicated hack, but it comes in handy because it such a small thing.  I know I always forget about it.

Open init.php and find


Above Add

[php]//Auto Update Copyright
$start_year = ‘2007’;
if($stary_year < date('Y')){ $copyright = $start_year . ' - ' . date('Y'); }else{ $copyright = $start_year; } $tpl->assign(‘copyright’, ‘Lobo Links Directory &copy ‘.$copyright);
//Auto Update Copyright[/php]

Open templates/your_template/footer.tpl and add where you want your copyright to show.


That is it.  Wuwu!

Edit After some discussion on the DP Forums, Aubenry shared a way to do it with smarty.

[php]© Yourdomain.com {if $smarty.now|date_format:”%Y” gt 2007} 2007 – {$smarty.now|date_format:”%Y”} {else} 2007 {/if}All Rights Reserved[/php]

I think I could do a more fancy version, but that one is just too simple.

Posted in Directory Owner Tips