LoboLinks | Listing Details

Electricity Bill So High Resident Becomes Filled With Fury
When electricity usage gets out of hand your electric bill can balloon beyond any reasonable amount. Imagine normally paying $100 a month on average and then in June getting an electric bill for $500. This much higher electric bill often is not just about a hot summer month where the air conditioner is running more […]

When You Only Use 500 kilowatt hours and under a month
I was recently asked for help from a friend at my church who is a widow and only uses 500 or less kilowatt hours a month. She wanted to save money by shopping each year for the cheapest electric rate. She didn’t mind the hassle of shopping each year in order to shave off a […]

New warming study devastates alarmist claims
Written by Michael Bastasch – original source Two climate scientists skeptical of man-made global warming are closely watching a study they say could be a “death knell” to climate alarmism. A major scientific study conducted at the University of Reading on the interactions between aerosols and clouds is much weaker than most climate models assume, meaning the […]